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Special session - Innovation in business
List of speakers
Decan, Profesor, entrepreneur, corporate trainer , Griffiths School of Management
Intreprinzator Romano-American de succes cu o bogata experienta in marketing si vanzari atat in companii romane cat si americane, Dr. Sebastian Vaduva este, de asemenea, profesor si autor al unor carti de specialitate, din anul 2005 fiind numit ca si decan al Facultaţii de Management Griffiths in cadrul Universitatii Emanuel din Oradea.
Founder, CEO, FAN Courier
Felix Pătrăşcanu established FAN Courier in 1998, together withbrothers Adrian and Neculai Mihai, with whom he went to the same primary school and who were also neighbours of his. The chosen field was a random one, as he was graduated of legal education.
Manager , ACknowledge
Adrian Cioroianu este Hunter, Farmer, Negociator, Influencer, Sales Trainer cu experienta in companii ca Orange, Sony Ericsson si Intel Corporation. Este antreprenor și a fondat AC KNOWLEDGE, o companie pentru training și consultanță în vânzări. Din pasiune pentru educație, este și Lead organizer al TEDxFloreasca, primul eveniment TEDx în aer liber din România. Adrian este autorul cărții VÂND ORICE, ORICÂND, ORICUI și coordonatorul cărții POVEȘTI NEMURITOARE DE VÂNZĂRI, o colecție de experiențe trăite de vânzători cu experiență din diferite industrii, povești reale de vânzări din care pot învăța toți cei care au tangență cu vânzările.
CEO, Arobs
Voicu Oprean is the General Manager of AROBS Transilvania Software, a company specialized in developing software solutions for GPS navigation, apps for mobile phones and a vast experience in outsourcing for the tourism, banking, transport, health and automotive industries. He founded AROBS in June 1998 in order to prove young programmers that they can build a successful career in software development in Romania, as well, without having to emigrate. The 15 years of success and development that the company has had are due to these IT specialists who works for large-scale projects, both for foreign and Romanian clients. In 2013, AROBS means a company with 5 offices in the country and abroad (Cluj, Bucharest, Iaşi, Budapest, Chişinău) where over 350 specialists work. They permanently support and develop the activity of the 3 main lines of business: • Developing customized software solutions through outsourcing for companies of various industries (tourism, automotive, health, banking), including apps for Android and iOS mobile platforms. AROBS is one of the established suppliers of software solutions for foreign countries, which has managed to create long-term partnerships with companies in Finland, Great Britain, Sweden, Belgium, Canada, The Netherlands, Germany and the USA, in its 15 years of activity. • Software solutions dedicated to the internal market used by over 2000 business clients in Romania: GPS monitoring and car fleet management apps, SFA and CRM apps for sales automation and warehouse and storeroom management, the ticket and badge sales automation solution for public transport companies, the first TMC system in Romania to provide real-time information from traffic. • GPS navigation system distribution in Romania and Eastern Europe. Smailo, the AROBS own brand, became in January 2012 the best-selling navigation system in Romania and along with the other brands in the portfolio (Mio and Becker), it made the company the largest GPS navigator distributor in the country. The success of Smailo GPS in recent years has determined the company to make the next step, namely to increase the range of products by including Android tablets under the same brand. With 7”, 8” and 9.7” screens, the Smailo Web Energy tablets are created for users who want access to Internet and useful and entertainment apps, but they have a limited budget. “In all I am doing, I am trying to promote a model of work and life based on mutual respect among people, clients and the community, respect for life and the environment. It is a personal goal of mine to create a harmonious balance between professional and family dedication, complemented by sports activities and involvement in the community. “Voicu Oprean, general manager of AROBS Transilvania Software
General Manager, Raiffeisen Leasing IFN
Felix Daniliuc has an experience of over 18 years in finance and banking, in activities such as: trade finance, custody, cash management, retail banking, subsidiary network coordination and direct sales, and he has been the General Manager of Raiffeisen Leasing since January 2010. In the period 2007-2009 he worked as a Direct Sales Manager at Raiffeisen Bank. Before, he was a retail manager for two years at the same bank. He is a graduate of the Polytechnic Institute and the Bucharest University of Economic Studies, and after graduation he worked in finance and banking for renowned institutions such as: Raiffeisen Bank, ING Bank and Ţiriac Bank.
Executive Director, Transylvania College
La 31 de ani, Ruxandra Mercea are deja trei copii si conduce din pozitia de Director Executiv Transylvania College, singura scoala din Romania care ofera doua linii de studiu - linia romaneasca si linia britanica - si un traseu educational complet, de la cresa pana la liceu. Transylvania College este unica scoala acreditata Cambridge din regiune. Povestea de succes a Ruxandrei se identifica foarte mult cu povestea de succes a acestei institutii care a inceput drumul spre excelenta in educatie acum 23 de ani. Ca fiica a fondatorilor, Ruxandra a avut sansa de a contribui de la inceput la bunul mers al scolii, mai intai ca voluntar, apoi ca si coordonator al departamentului de marketing, director financiar si, in prezent, director executiv. Daca in urma cu peste 20 de ani motivatia parintilor ei de a fonda aceasta institutie a avut la baza dorinta de a oferi educatie la standarde internationale copiilor din Romania, azi Ruxandra continua misiunea familiei de a oferi comunitatii o scoala cu profesori extrem de bine pregatiti, care au acces la cele mai bune programe de training, intr-un campus cu cele mai moderne dotari si masuri de siguranta, astfel incat fiecare dintre cei 600 de elevi inscrisi aici sa fie ajutat sa-si atinga potentialul maxim. Ruxandra face frecvent referire la experienta ei de parinte in scoala, la procesul de invatare prin care trece alaturi de copiii ei. Aceasta empatie si exprienta aculumata in urma programelor speciale de training si a numeroaselor schimburi de experienta cu scoli internationale la care a participat i-au oferit Ruxandrei uneltele necesare pentru a crea o cultura organizationala pozitiva, unde toti membrii echipei se simt apreciati si sunt motivati sa dea tot ce au mai bun, din dragoste pentru copii.
Presedinte, Cluster IT Cluj
Cu o experineță de peste 30 de ani în business-ul de IT și peste 15 ani în cercetare si învăţământ superior, Alexandru Tulai a coordonat multiple proiecte și a condus implementarea de soluții software complexe pentru susținerea și dezvoltarea companiilor şi instituţiilor.
Programme Director, EMBA University of Hull
Andrew has nineteen years of business experience across Europe, N. America & Asia, as a head-hunter, management consultant, interim HR Director, learning facilitator, business school lecturer (University of Hull) and is currently Programme Director for UBB Executive Education. He has a Ph.D. in property rights and environmental conflict from the University of Cardiff, Wales. Andrew has worked across the world for a wide range of multinational clients such as Coca-Cola, Holcim, AIG, PwC, GSK, Deloitte, Orange, Volksbank, ING, Vodafone and many more. The founder of Connect CEE (consulting) and Endike Associates (executive search), he has also written widely for current affairs magazines, academic journals and in 2013 published his first book.
Team Coach @Team Academy Amsterdam, Managing Partner @StartUp Plus Academy
In- & Entrepreneurial experience in International Corporate Sales at C level, Management, Training and certified NLP coach. Passionate about developing (young) people via strengthening their own potential, power and opportunities and combine these with entrepreneurship.
Team Entrepreneur, Team Academy
Team Entrepreneur @ YouBamboo., designing and creating bamboo laptop stands Passionate about Team Academy, coaching and helping out students, spreading the Team Academy message
Asistent Universitar, Universitatea „Petru Maior” TîrguMureş
Comunic deci exist? Gresit! Exist doar in momentul in care mesajul meu ajunge la auditoriu si il influenteaza. sa nu ne ascundem dupa deget, comunicam pentru ca vrem sa influentam. Iar daca stim cum sa o facem, daca intelegem corect contextul si momentul, telul nostru poate fi atins. Din 2000 sunt prezent in fiecare zi la radio si tv. Am construit echipe pentru a invinge concurenta. Experienta practica o folosesc pentru a-mi invata studentii cum pot fi cu un pas in fata adversarilor. Sunt pasionat sa gasesc solutii acolo unde altii au dat gres si unde, aparent, totul este sortit esecului. Comunic, si cita vreme fac asta exist! La fel si tu! Lector univ.Dr. Univ. Petru maior, Tg Mures Director StiiTv Tg Mures
Office Leasing Consultant, Extind Management
De profesie economist, Dan Zaharia are peste 15 ani de experiență în management, vânzări și dezvoltare imobiliară. Trainer și speaker la diverse evenimente de afaceri sau din mediul universitar: Power L@unch, BringITOn, Startup Weekend, Romanian Outsourcing Summit & Awards, FII Practic, AIESEC – Leadership on Fire, HR Summit, Business Days. Deține firma Extind, unde se ocupă de închirierea clădirilor moderne de birouri din orașele regionale de succes (ex.: Iași, Cluj-Napoca), fiind un promotor al poziționării acestor orașe ca magnet pentru industria de IT & Outsourcing din România. De asemenea, Dan este membru fondator al filialei ROGBC Moldova în cadrul Consiliului Român al Clădirilor Verzi și site manager al Școlii Informale de IT, lansată la Iași în 2015. Din 2009 este membru fondator al Donor.ro, primul motor de căutare donatori de sânge din România.