3rd Plenary Session - Determination and Performance


The Plenary sessions represent a series of 6 inspiring presentations of 15-minutes, offered by successful entrepreneurs, top executives, experts and professionals with over 10 years of experience with impeccable professional reputation and a modern vision of trends and tendencies redesigning the economy and society. These inspirational presentations have a motivational role, they present various perspectives and focus on trends, tendencies, analyzes, presenting the opportunities and issues that the changes generated by these trends in the business environment and in society reveal.


Innovation, Technology, Trends, Tendencies Impact in Society, Impact on the Economy, Entrepreneurship, Future, Jobs of the Future


Entrepreneurs and managers from small and medium-sized companies, start-up entrepreneurs, early career professionals, young people concerned about their future.


Performance sports people taught us that for performance we need a lot of determination. What is the determination? Why is it so important to have performance? Here are some questions that we should ask ourselves before wishing to have success. It is good to know, to understand and to accept that in order to be performers in our field, whether we are talking about life, sport, culture, education, business, we have to make a lot of effort, we have to work disciplined, be consistent with our goals, to adapt to challenges and temptations that can disconnect or deviate from the path of our own performance and ultimately the success that we want to achieve, no matter how we define success and how we choose goals that lead us to this performance. It will take a lot of sacrifice, effort and resources invested, time allocated, much energy, self-motivation and, last but not least, positive thinking and optimism. These allocated resources must be consistent and proportionate to the scale of the objectives. We have to understand that performance occurs in time, after much work, many failures, colorful we must pass after much frustration, after many sweat and sacrifices and this is possible only by determination.

We have invited people, experts, managers and entrepreneurs from different fields, with expertise, skills, different competencies, with an own and personal vision of success, with personalized goals, but all of them characterized by one thing have achieved their performance, determination. We invite you to learn from the story of their lives, from their successes and failures, with magic, secret and personal ingredients used to overcome failure, pain, provocation and to perform. How do they define their determination?

The difference between who you are and who you can be is what you do ...

#QUESTIONS to which the speakers’ presentations will give answers

  • What is performance? How is it common to all performers and what does it differ from one individual or team to another?
  • What determination? How we define? What characterizes?
  • How can we become more determined? What is the secret energy that feeds this internal force?


  • http://www.performanceinsport.co.uk/
  • http://www.apa.org/action/science/performance/index.aspx
  • http://athleteassessments.com/poor-performance-in-sport-coping/
  • http://www.freedomfastlane.com/determination-a-must-for-every-business-owner/
  • https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/20140620185038-334219545-drive-determination-and-passion-three-keys-to-success-in-business-and-in-life

It is required for at least Business Trends access type to participate in this session, but those who have access to Business Development and Professional Development access vouchers can also participate.



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List of speakers

Director / Producer, Inspirational Filmmaking

Tedy Necula produce campanii video inspirationale pentru branduri, in cadrul agentiei care ii poarta numele. Campaniile sale sunt memorabile si pline de emotie. Din portofoliul lui fac parte Fan Courier, Colliers, Unilever, Apa Nova, Chevrolet, UNICEF. Prin povesstea sa de viata inspira audinte din toata lumea. Inspirationalul aduce revelatii, iar revelatiile produc schimbarea.

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Președinte și profesor invitat la Consiliul Internațional ,

Domnul Hauenstein este preşedintele unei organizaţii internaţionale, profesor, coach şi trainer. În experienţa sa profesională, are ocazia să colaboreze şi să lucreze cu lideri, manageri de top, ambasadori şi alţi formatori de opinie. Este invitat să susţină cursuri la diverse universităţi internaţionale , masterclass-uri, conferinţe sau training-uri. Din anul 2000, este implicat constant în realizarea şi evaluarea calităţii proiectelor de cercetare.

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Founder, www.efratavnor.com

Efrat Avnor este unul dintre cei mai buni consultanti in performanta la nivel global, Project Manager si dezvoltator de programe de management al performantei. Efrat are peste 20 de ani de experienta, cu precadere in industria IT, in identificarea si rezolvarea barierelor in design-ul, implementarea si strategia unor proiecte de amploare, precum si in construirea unor programe operationale eficiente de management al performantei. Experienta ei profesionala include construirea de la 0 si gestionarea echipelor de lucru din 5 continente. In ultimii 7 ani, Efrat a consultat,de asemenea, si IMM-uri in curs de dezvoltare. Activitatea profesionala a lui Efrat presupune dezvoltarea unor sisteme si culturi organizationale colaborative, concentrandu-se pe eficientizarea costurilor si timpului alocat acestor procese. In domeniul sportiv, activitatea profesionala a lui Efrat in ultimii 7 ani a presupus coaching-ul unor antrenori de top ale unor echipe performante precum: echipa Cleveland Sport (NBA Cavaliers, AFL Gladiator, Hockey Monsters, Basketball D-league) si antrenorul principal al echipei de baschet Maccabi Tel Aviv.

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Fondator, Burcash - Managementul Banilor

“Misiunea mea este să ajut cel putin un milion de români să-și gestioneze eficient banii și să-și construiască bunăstarea. Așa vom vedea mai mult zâmbet și iubire în jurul nostru." Are o experiență de peste 20 ani în management și vânzări, s-a dedicat consultanței de management din anul 1999. Ca și trainer a livrat peste 6.000 de ore de training de vânzări, management și leadership. În calitate de consultant a consiliat peste 150 de companii în proiecte de optimizare a vânzărilor, alinierea proceselor interne și creșterea accelerată a profitului. De asemenea oferă consiliere pentru proprietarii de afaceri în ce privește strategiile de exit și managementul averii personale. În prezent de Eusebiu este implicat exclusiv în gestionarea primului program independent de educație financiara din Romania: BurcashTM – Managementul Banilor

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Managing Partner, Trend Consult Group

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CEO, Class IT

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