Business networking at Business Days events

    The most important statistics are related to the impact on the regional economy and on the companies' participation in such an event. Estimates generated from feedback questionnaires filled in by participants at the event. Thus around   58.4%   of the participants believe that following the fruition of the business networking opportunities generated by the participation in a Business Days event will generate revenue growth of at least 10,000 lei on short term and around   31.5% believe that the impact on their business will be over 100,000 lei. Approximately a percentage of 8% estimate this increase to over 1.000.000 (one million) lei.

    If we extrapolate these figures,   economic impact of a Business Days event is somewhere around 25 million Euros, a figure absolutely remarkable for two days invested in attending an event by about 1,100 businessmen regionally and nationally.

    The 26 Business Days editions have contributed to economic development in those seven years of activity with about 500 million Euros. Approximately 0.1% of Romania's GDP (if we refer to the one for   year 2016).

    Halong Bay

    Power Networking and Know-How Circle

    At each Business Days event we have two special moments dedicated to formal and informal networking at the beginning and end of the day.

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    Halong Bay

    Informal Networking and Socializing

    Each coffee break is a good opportunity to interact with other participants, speakers and event partners.

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    Halong Bay

    Lead generation possibilities

    We offer a range of services to help partners generate leads or help them generate opportunities by getting in touch with the right people.

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