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Workshop [Entrepreneurship] – Exit or Succession Plan of Business
The Workshops represent interactive sessions focusing on the transfer of knowledge through experience exchange. The sessions, with up to 3 speakers, take place in the form of 15-minutes presentations, focused on case studies, examples of good practice, analyze, and are followed by interactive sessions of moderate questions and responses. The sessions with 4 to 5 speakers take place in the form of an interview on stage, followed by moderate questions and responses. Question and answer sessions last for at least 40 minutes, thus enabling those in the room to adapt the content of these sessions to their specific problems and concerns, increasing the usefulness and relevance of these sessions.
digital marketing, online promotion and selling, social media use for business promotion, use of mobile applications in communication strategy with potential clients, use of online content in the strategy of promotion and digital communication, email marketing, Google adwords, SEO, Facebook ads, marketing automation, digital customer experience
Marketing managers, brand specialists, communication managers, sales managers, trading managers, entrepreneurs and top managers who want to understand the right positioning strategy
#QUESTIONS to which the speakers’ presentations will give answers
It is required for at least Professional Development access type in order to participate in this session, but those who have access to Business Development access vouchers can also participate.
List of speakers
Associate Dean, MsM Romania
Sergiu Neguț este consultant și Board adviser specializat în creștere antreprenorială și transformare organizațională, speaker și Associate Dean of Entrepreneurial Growth la Maastricht School of Management România. Sergiu are la activ investiții ca Business Angel în afaceri locale, printre care frufru, 2parale, Softelligence, sau Intermedicas. Este laureat speakerul anului la categoria Inovatie la Business Days.