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Masterclass [BD] – Digital Transformation of Business
The Masterclasses represent advanced sessions that focus on knowledge transfer through interactive presentations. One session of masterclass includes 1 to 3 speakers who are experts, practitioners with many years of experience in the field on which the session is focused. Sessions are focused on business development, centered on development from the interior to exterior of the organization and business, either accessing new markets, diversifying, or adopting a different strategic approach.
It is primarily addressed to entrepreneurs who have developed businesses, managers from stable and developed companies, professionals who have reached a highly professional level. The level of transfer of knowledge is advanced.
#QUESTIONS to which the speakers’ presentations will give answers
It is required for at least Business Development access type in order to participate in this session.
List of speakers
Dean, Maastricht School of Management
Adrian Stanciu este expert în schimbarea şi managementul culturii organizaţionale. Experienţa sa de consultanţă include numeroase organizaţii cu diverse profiluri şi mărimi, atât din România, cât şi din tările învecinate.
Associate Dean, MsM Romania
Sergiu Neguț este consultant și Board adviser specializat în creștere antreprenorială și transformare organizațională, speaker și Associate Dean of Entrepreneurial Growth la Maastricht School of Management România. Sergiu are la activ investiții ca Business Angel în afaceri locale, printre care frufru, 2parale, Softelligence, sau Intermedicas. Este laureat speakerul anului la categoria Inovatie la Business Days.