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Workshop 14 - The art of negotiation in difficult situations
To whom is it addressed? – Entrepreneurs, managers faced with negotiations, professionals, sales people, sales managers, those who work in procurement departments, and those who wish to develop their negotiating skills in various contexts and particularly in difficult situations
What is the procedure? – Micro-presentation sessions followed by moderated Q&A sessions
The art of bargaining is essential for a successful business. And because it is an art, not everyone has the necessary skills to be the victor in a negotiation.
According to Lewis Shiff, the author of the book “Business Brilliant”, many mangers make the mistake of considering a negotiation successful when its result is a win-win situation. More precisely, a good negotiation does not mean both negotiators win.
Schiff considers this type of win-win result is characteristic to average-class managers. Top managers are of an entirely different opinion. “In any business relationship, the person with the least interest in maintaining or continuing the relationship has the greatest power when it comes to setting the conditions. The lesser your interest, the more power you have,” writes Schiff, quoted by the website inc.com.
When a manager does not have much to lose after the negotiation, he can insist on certain conditions. If we open any book about negotiation, we can see the focus lies on three important steps:
- setting the goal,
- documentation about the other party and
- setting the point where the negotiation ends.
If we reflect on these three steps, we see they lead to victory, and not a win-win situation. Certainly, this occurs only if the three steps are respected and managers do their homework well before negotiating.
When the goal of the negotiation is not clearly defined by the negotiator and where they do not have information about the partner’s style of negotiation, then the conditions are not fulfilled and a beneficial situation can no longer be reached.
Nothing is accidental and it cannot be obtained at the negotiation table without prior preparation.
This is a point of view on negotiating. We have chosen to invite to this workshop a few experts in the art of negotiating, each of them with great experience in negotiating, who have the courage to tell the truth about what negotiation really means.
A very useful workshop, particularly as each of us negotiates from the day we are born until the last day of our lives.
I have carried out sales all my life. Each of us does. Some of us consciously, others without realizing it, we negotiate our wages even when we are silent, we negotiate the side of bed we will sleep on and the grade we take at an exam in college or in high school. All of us carry out sales, except some are better at it, and others are not.
In business relationships, people are much more aware of sales and negotiating, though. You have a business meeting, two people, a contract on the table and, apparently, only one of those two people can leave the table a winner. But just apparently. In practice, both have to stand up smiling, convinced they have done a great deal. Moreover, they have to go home, turn on the TV, read a book, and the next day when they wake up they have to know the deal was indeed great, not that they have been duped in one way or another. From my point of view, this is what makes negotiating an art.
Many people see negotiation as a process where both parties should win. But there are some people who, more often than not due to frustrations that cannot be blamed, will try not only to win themselves, but also to make you lose. There is one solution for this, being able to identify them and to defend yourself. How can you do that? You’ll feel them from the moment they say the first few words, out of experience, of you recognize them based on patterns studied from books.
The workshop deals with both types of negotiating, and it does it in a very ethical way. It teaches the “art of collaborating”, but it also teaches you how to defend yourself from those who, in an excess of self-confidence, consider that using their power, influence and competitive negotiation are more useful than win-win solutions.
The specialists who will talk at this workshop will discuss learning the art of compromise, as well. I would not call it compromise, but there is definitely a need to learn to “give and take”. Unfortunately, there are many negotiators who have been taught never to step back, no matter what happens, which is completely wrong. In business, the goal is not to make the one in front of you lose, but rather to win yourself. Often, the chance that both should leave the negotiation table pleased exists.
Find out how you can acquire the best negotiation skills from a few experts, practicians with a great experience, an author of books about negotiations and trainers with many hours of developing these skills in managers, entrepreneurs and sales professionals.
A workshop with high usefulness and practical applicability.
In order to attend this workshop you need a PLUS access ticket (one day or both days) or PREMIUM (one day or both days).
Invest in your personal and professional development! Be better than your competition!
List of speakers
Consultant in negociere, Leverage
Sabin și-a început careiera în vânzări și negociere în 1994 în domeniul bunurilor de larg consum, mergând ulterior spre servicii.Sabin este trainer în învățare experiențială din 2005, având certificare din partea companiei canadiene Eagle's Flight - unul dintre cei mai mari dezvoltatori globali de traininguri bazate pe învățare experiențială.În 2016 a dezvoltat Leverage ONE - primul pas in negociere pe care trebuie să îl facă orice profesionist. Cursul răspunde perfect lumii dinamice de astăzi, în care procesul de învățare este rapid, intens și trebuie să își justifice costurile.
Senior Consultant, Equatorial
As a Senior Consultant, Cosmin has the main duty of designing and implementing projects of organizational development, group dynamics and personal development. Cosmin has an experience of over 11 years in business development, training & coaching, of which more than 6 years in Central and Eastern Europe, coordinating the AchieveGlobal business in Serbia, Croatia and the rest of the former Yugoslavian space. In recent years, Cosmin has developed in particular business projects with organizations in finance and banking, oil & energy, industrial & car parts, collaborating with over 16 banks in Romania for over 60 training and consulting projects. He has enabled development programs on topics such as: strategy clarification, leadership, motivation, sales management, prospecting, sales, bargaining techniques (in sales/acquisitions), management of strategic clients, presentation techniques, customer service, coaching, communication, problem analysis and decision-making, time, performance, change management etc. He has developed and/or implemented training and consulting programs for: Petrom, Rompetrol, ING, BCR, BRD, Takata, Yazaki, Continental Tires, TRW, Raiffeisen, Benchmark, Piraeus, OTP, Bancpost, Unicredit, Alpha Bank, Allianz-Tiriac, Orange, GlaxoSmithKline, Roche, Schering Plough, Abbott, GoodYear, Philip Morris. A graduate of ASE and Law (University of Buchares), as an associate professor of the Faculty of International Economic Relations (ASE Bucharest), Cosmin teaches Strategic Management to MA students and International Bargaining to BA full-time students. In 2007, he was awarded a PhD in Economics, with Magna cum Laudae, following his research activity resulting in the paper “Company internationalization strategies”. Cosmin is a graduate of courses provided by Wirtschaft Universitat in Vienna and certifications in the methodologies of AchieveGlobal, Human Synergistics, ESPERE (communication and relations), Strengths Development Inventory. He has a vast international experience, with presentations at over 50 conferences organized by universities abroad (Sydney, Tallinn, Istanbul, etc.), In 2008, in New York, Cosmin presented his paper “Current Shifts in Business Training: Evidence from Romania” at the American Academy of Business conference, which was later published in Cambridge Business Review.
Senior Manager, PwC Romania
Ileana este Senior Manager în cadrul departamentului de Evaluare („Valuation & Economics”) al PwC Bucureşti, fiind specializată în evaluări de afaceri, evaluări pentru raportare financiară, asistenţă în elaborarea de planuri de afaceri şi studii de fezabilitate. Ileana este deţinătoare al titlului CFA (Analist Financiar) parcurgând cu succes toate cele 3 nivele necesare absolvirii programului internaţional CFA organizat de CFA Institute din Statele Unite ale Americii. Ileana a absolvit cursuri de master în domeniul Management Financiar şi Pieţe de capital. Ileana este deţinătoare a diplomei ACCA Standarde Internaţionale de Raportare Financiară (IFRS). De asemenea, Ileana este membru titular ANEVAR fiind specializată în evaluarea de întreprinderi. Ileana are peste 8 ani experienţă în cadrul PwC România, fiind implicată ca membru de echipă sau manager de proiect în peste 60 de proiecte din diverse industrii (IT, petrol şi gaze, bancar, energie regenerabilă) şi categorii (evaluări pentru raportare financiară, studii de fezabilitate, evaluări de instrumente financiare dar în special evaluări de afaceri).
Managing Consultant, Premian
Antreprenor din 2008. Din 2013 aleargă în fiecare an 1 maraton de 42 km pe an în altă țară. Reprezintă Premian. Premian este o firmă de consultanță ce livrează servicii integrate de recrutare, training, teambuilding, contabilitate și marketing strategic. Până acum a lucrat cu peste 50 de companii. În această perioadă cei mai mulți din clienții Premian au fost din industriile IT, producție, distribuție, auto și retail. Între 2009 și 2002 a lucrat în o multinațională, o companie ieșeană și a făcut voluntariat în AIESEC Iași. Între 2016 și 2008 a făcut voluntariat în JCI Iași. Face voluntariat în boardul Fundației Comunitare Iași.
Director International Business Development, Marketizator
Yousuf Khatib is the International Business Development Director of Marketizator and he has an impressive background in international sales. Having 4+ years experience in an IT startup, he has recruited and trained more than 600 people in the insurance industry in Canada and he has travelled all around the world on business
Coach & Trainer, Impact Garantat
Ginette helps companies and their leaders to create a working environment where innovation, teamwork and human potential are a way of life, by providing transformational training programs. Ginette has a relevant experience in Training, Coaching and Facilitating Workshops - over 18 years, and 9 years as an entrepreneur in the area of Training and Development. She delivers Training & coaching on 5 major areas: Sales, Soft Skills, Creativity, Leadership, Team Building / Team Cooperation. She is the author of four training programs and coaching: Facilitating Collective Intelligence, Leadership - Empower Team Cooperation, Sales & Management Boot camp. Website: http://www.impactgarantat.ro Her dream: to bring learning to a higher level by introducing unique Trainings Programs that bring relevant changes in business area.