Special session - The future of business environment in Romania

We believe in Romania’s chance! We think Romania too can be an efficient, competitive and attractive business environment. We believe current and future entrepreneurs can transform the business environment in our country and can lay the foundations of a healthy entrepreneurial culture based on ethical principles.

We believe economic exchanges with our country can be encouraged and we believe we can attract strategic investors who can help us fix our infrastructure and relaunch certain sectors of activity that have been neglected or affected by the incompetent management of the country.

We have created this debate in order to map the reality of the business environment in Romania and particularly in order to release new applicable ideas, which may help us begin the transformation of this business environment into the reality we desire.

We have invited a series of successful entrepreneurs and managers, each of them being involved in various projects created to transform the business environment in Romania and to give a chance to young people to perform as entrepreneurs. Together with a few foreign guests, successful entrepreneurs, we wish that at the end of this session we could have a few clear ideas about what we should do to make things in our country different.

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List of speakers

Fondator si Presedinte, , Transylvania College

Simona Baciu este fondatoarea Fundaţiei Transylvania College, care a lansat instituțiile educaționale: “Grădinița Happy Kids” și “Transylvania College” – prima școală internațională din Transilvania cu două linii de studiu: linia românească și linia internațională.

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Decan, Profesor, entrepreneur, corporate trainer , Griffiths School of Management

Intreprinzator Romano-American de succes cu o bogata experienta in marketing si vanzari atat in companii romane cat si americane, Dr. Sebastian Vaduva este, de asemenea, profesor si autor al unor carti de specialitate, din anul 2005 fiind numit ca si decan al Facultaţii de Management Griffiths in cadrul Universitatii Emanuel din Oradea.

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Entrepreneur, Business Angel,

Orlando Szasz fromTargu-Mures(39 years old) has recently withdrawn from the management of the company that he founded together with his brother Roland, when they were both still in faculty,and is now taking an interested look to thestart-up area and analyzes new business opportunities, both in the country and abroad. Renania Company, run by Orlando Szasz, concluded the fiscal year of 2011with a turnover of 22.2 million Euro, being market leader in the field of import and labour protection equipment import and distribution, position that he managed to maintain and consolidate over the last 10 years. Orlando Szasz is graduate of the Faculty of Dental Medicinewithinthe University of Medicine and Pharmacy in Tg Mures.

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Partener, Entreprise Investors

Cristian Nacu is partner in Enterprise Investors and manager of the EI Representative Office in Romania. Enterprise Investors is the oldest and one of the biggest private equity firms inCentral and Eastern Europe. Enterprise Investors manages capital totalizing 2 billionEuro via 8 funds. The most important investments run by Cristian Nacu Romania so far are in Macon Deva, Siveco and Profi. Cristian Nacu is also president of the association of private equity funds andSEEPEA venture capital. Before Enterprise Investors, Nacu worked for the International Finance Corporation – the investment division of the World Bank. He also worked for the Government of Romania, for which he administered one of the largest privatization portfolios, completing 25 privatizations. Motto: “Passionate supporter of the well done work”. His hobbies are related to voyages, watch collecting, reading and movies.

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Founder, CEO, FAN Courier

Felix Pătrăşcanu established FAN Courier in 1998, together withbrothers Adrian and Neculai Mihai, with whom he went to the same primary school and who were also neighbours of his. The chosen field was a random one, as he was graduated of legal education.

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Președinte și profesor invitat la Consiliul Internațional ,

Domnul Hauenstein este preşedintele unei organizaţii internaţionale, profesor, coach şi trainer. În experienţa sa profesională, are ocazia să colaboreze şi să lucreze cu lideri, manageri de top, ambasadori şi alţi formatori de opinie. Este invitat să susţină cursuri la diverse universităţi internaţionale , masterclass-uri, conferinţe sau training-uri. Din anul 2000, este implicat constant în realizarea şi evaluarea calităţii proiectelor de cercetare.

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General Manager, Raiffeisen Leasing IFN

Felix Daniliuc has an experience of over 18 years in finance and banking, in activities such as: trade finance, custody, cash management, retail banking, subsidiary network coordination and direct sales, and he has been the General Manager of Raiffeisen Leasing since January 2010. In the period 2007-2009 he worked as a Direct Sales Manager at Raiffeisen Bank. Before, he was a retail manager for two years at the same bank. He is a graduate of the Polytechnic Institute and the Bucharest University of Economic Studies, and after graduation he worked in finance and banking for renowned institutions such as: Raiffeisen Bank, ING Bank and Ţiriac Bank.

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Honorary Consul , Netherlands

Wouter Reijers studied Economics and Consumer science at Wageningen University in The Netherlands. He has a vast experience in restructuring companies so they can become successful and profitable again.

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Consultant in negociere, Leverage

Sabin și-a început careiera în vânzări și negociere în 1994 în domeniul bunurilor de larg consum, mergând ulterior spre servicii.Sabin este trainer în învățare experiențială din 2005, având certificare din partea companiei canadiene Eagle's Flight - unul dintre cei mai mari dezvoltatori globali de traininguri bazate pe învățare experiențială.În 2016 a dezvoltat Leverage ONE - primul pas in negociere pe care trebuie să îl facă orice profesionist. Cursul răspunde perfect lumii dinamice de astăzi, în care procesul de învățare este rapid, intens și trebuie să își justifice costurile.

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Team Coach @Team Academy Amsterdam, Managing Partner @StartUp Plus Academy

In- & Entrepreneurial experience in International Corporate Sales at C level, Management, Training and certified NLP coach. Passionate about developing (young) people via strengthening their own potential, power and opportunities and combine these with entrepreneurship.

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Team Entrepreneur, Team Academy

Team Entrepreneur @ YouBamboo., designing and creating bamboo laptop stands Passionate about Team Academy, coaching and helping out students, spreading the Team Academy message

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Owner, Palladi Dacian Business Consultance

A legal professional by training, Dacian Palladi has been in business since 1992. For 11 years he worked as a legal and tax & financial advisor. For more than 10 years now, he has carried out advisory activities in the general management of companies, change management, innovation management, marketing and consumer psychology. A public figure, interested in personal development, he also writes on his blog www.dacianpalladi.com. Hobby: God and family. Outside work he takes care of his family, balancing it with his professional activity, respecting the order: God, family, work.

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Editor and Chief Coordinator, Business Days Magazine

She was involved in projects which, at their time, were consideredinnovative, such as Capital Top 300 or Capital Top 100 companies. At the end of last year, she was the coordinator of the team that created and published the first issue in Romanian of the Intelligent Life magazine – a franchise belonging to The Economist group. She does not believe in the inspirational power of mottoes, but in the power of communication.

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