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Special workshop 4 - Business Networking. The art of making connections
To whom is it addressed? – Entrepreneurs, managers, professionals, specialists, experts, those who want to develop their business networking skills and to find new opportunities
What is the procedure? – Micro training sessions and business networking sessions
This workshop is atypical, because it is an educational session and a business networking session at the same time. If you register to this workshop you will learn from 3 experts in business networking and business connection-making:
- What is business networking?
- Why should you not sell at a business networking meeting?
- What are the secret ingredients for a business networking meeting?
- How do you build an efficient network of business contacts and connections?
- How do you successfully maintain this type of network?
- How can you make the connection network generate opportunities for you and your business?
In order to attend this workshop you need a valid ticket access for the event CEE Entrepreneurship Summit 2015 (it can be BASIC, PLUS, PREMIUM or VIP).
Invest in your personal and professional development! Be better than your competition!
List of speakers
Country Manager, Kilpatrick ™
Sotiris started his career in 1990 as a sales trainee in L'OREAL while studying business administration in Deree college(the American college in Greece) after completing his military obligations he worked at ING as an insurance broker and then moved back to fmcg at NESTLE as a key account sales man. In 1998 he moved as an area sales manager of Castrol intl and in the year 2000 moved into consulting as a trainer at Response int. In the year 2001 he took the challenge of becoming the general manager of Response in Romania by moving there to establish the local office from scratch. In 2006 Sotiris participated in the opening of the Bulgarian affiliate as well as the transformation of the executive search department into a separate company, Stanton Chase Intl., a major American network that Response joined. In the end of 2006 he decided to establish his own business in Bucharest UP services with key activities as recruiting, executive search, training and events. During the following years he established valuable international collaborations with APS, Advanced People Strategies UK, in training and HR tools (certified trainer) and Chris Daffy and the Academy of Service Excellence, a pioneer in the domain of customer experience management (certified trainer). He also had the chance to organize very big events bringing in Romania famous speakers including Stephen Covey, Daniel Goleman, Alan Pease, John Kotter and others, gathering more than 400 people in each event, with a record of 1200 attendees for Stephen Covey. He also had the chance to host for 3 years 2 radio shows in www.radiolynx.ro, one of the biggest internet radios in Romania "Global business" for international business news and interviews, and "job masters" for HR. Sotiris taught as a visiting professor to the executive MBA program of University of Wales in Romania delivering courses on international management, strategic human resources, leadership & management and organizational analysis. As country manager for Romania and Greece Sotiris is the focal point for all our clients in the region.
RoCoach, Managing Partner
Fondatorul companiei RoCoach, prima companie care furnizeaza servicii exclusive de coaching in Romania are la activ peste 10.000 de ore de executive & business coaching. In ultimii 16 ani a implementat proiecte de dezvoltare organizationala prin coaching cu peste 500 de companii private din Romania si Sud-Estul Europei (Austria, Grecia, Ungaria, Bulgaria). In prezent, este membru al Federatiei Internationale de Coaching (ICF), al European Mentoring & Coaching Council (EMCC) si membru fondator al Asociatiei Romane pentru Coaching (ARC). De asemenea, e membru al catorva retele internationale de coaching si consultanta. In 2007 a avut onoarea de a primi premiul “Coach Of The Year”, ca recunoastere atat a contributiei sale in cresterea notorietătii coaching-ului in Romania, cat si a rezultatelor activitatii de coaching.
Owner, Traducembine
Răzvan is consultant and trainer, entrepreneur and former journalist. But before all these, he has been, is and remains a communicator and a very inquisitive story teller. He has learnt to see things from all the perspectives and, because he loves words and communication, he also became entrepreneur with a business in the field of translations: Traducembine. Graduate of economic sciences, he also specialized in risk management by training programmes. Over the last years, he presented over 50 free or dedicated discourses, in extremely varied fields such as: Financial Risk Management, Risk Management Fundamentals, Introduction to Risk Management, Trading of Derivatives (the options), Monte Carlo Simulation, Enterprise Risk Management.
I believe that the most efficient way to discover who we really are is through unconditional Love. Through all my projects, I inspire and support the Human being, so that through his words and actions he can retrieve and express in the outside world, the Love he carries within. For this, I founded 3 projects: Life Speaking and 5MS, for public speaking and communication and Focul Vocației, for discovering one’s calling and life mission. I am also a facilitator at Speaker Elite and Immediate Past President at Toastmasters Cluj. In 2013 I discovered public speaking at Toastmasters Cluj and I fell in love with the stage instantly. I started working on my presentation and acting skills and the results followed shortly: I won two European Public Speaking contests (Boras 2015 and Frankfurt 2014) and I started receiving invitations to major romanian speaking events: Business Days, 11even, TEDx, Afaceri.ro, ZEN Fest.