Special session - Franchise

To whom is it addressed? – Entrepreneurs, managers who coordinate teams, human resources managers, human resources professionals.

What is the procedure? – Moderated Q&A sessions.

The Romanian market includes approximately 330 franchise concepts with a total business of 1.6 bn euro last year, around 45% more than in 2007, one of the last economic boom years and the last one for which public data is available.

For this year, the businesses that have developed or are going to develop franchise concepts estimate an increase in business of 10-13%, but the market still remains underdeveloped by comparison with other markets in the West.

“The total turnover of the companies in Romania is 250 bn euro last year, so the businesses of franchise concepts contribute less than 1% to the total. Abroad, the franchise concept is much more developed. In France there are 1,300 concepts, while Romania only has 330”, say Paul Voicu and Raluca Stanciu, managing partners of the consulting company Inventure Franchise Consulting.

From the estimations made by Inventure (the company that owns francize.ro), the success ratio of businesses operated in franchise is around 50%. One of 2 businesses reaches (or exceeds) its performance indicators predicted in the first 2 years from launching. A considerably larger ratio than in a common start-up, where estimates are around 20-30%.

The main argument for a franchise is that it can protect you from many of the mistakes you may make with a start-up. However, there are potential franchised who consider a franchise can protect them from all the mistakes they may make with a start-up. It is important to found your business on information and elements that have previously been passed through a critical filter and adapted to the current context of the market.

Too few entrepreneurs make (business) plans for several years and assume they start a long journey, which is not easy at all. Too few of them measure their progress in a systematic, modern way (using technology and current software). Access to credible information is very difficult both inside businesses (for lack of information systems and performance measurement systems) and outside – due to the reluctance of certain players to provide realistic information.

A franchise allows you to focus on the area where you input as an investor can make the biggest difference, namely local management.

A franchise means you will receive a brand, know-how, products, marketing manuals and training. You will become part of a community of investors who operate the same business in different areas.

You, the entrepreneur, will have to excel in local management; you will have to convey the story of the brand (directly and through the team you will create), to make sure each contact with the client complies with the high standard we all wish for. And this work never ends, whether it is about products or services.

Attend this workshop and you will find:

  • what is the legislation in force for franchises in Romania?
  • what are the advantages of operating a business in a franchise system?
  • how do you build a successful franchise system?
  • what are the main characteristics of a franchise contract?
  • what are the non-competition clauses and practices in this field?
  • how can I find out what type of franchise suits me?
  • where can I choose the right franchise?

In order to attend this workshop you need a PLUS access ticket (one day or both days) or PREMIUM (one day or both days).

Invest in your personal and professional development! Be better than your competition!


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List of speakers

Managing Partner , Inventure Franchise Consulting

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Managing Partner, Inventure Franchise Consulting

He believes in the powers of the many in business and in collaborativeand structuredbusinesses. And the franchise very well matches his thinkingmode. He has multidisciplinary experience: entrepreneurship, strategy, advertising and energy, allowing him to understand the business models and the expansion potential. About Inventure: The mission of Inventure is that of facilitating the start-up and the development of sustainable business via the franchise system. We rely on the advantages of this business model: a paved way, an already tested recipe and which recorded positive resultson similar markets.We consider that the field of franchise in Romania is underdeveloped, but with very good medium- and long-term potential.

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Partener francizat, Leadership Management International

A decis sa isi urmeze propriul drum si a inceput prin a pune bazele unei compani de training de vanzari dupa o experienta de cativa ani buni acumulata in pozitii executive in companii straine, printre care Fiat - Auto Italia si Whirlpool, si o interesanta experienta educationala la Michigan Business School. Tot in aceea perioada a fost si presedintele Asociatiei Nationale a Furnizorilor de Training (ANTRA). La LMI a ajuns in 2002 ca urmare a dorintei sale de a ajuta oamenii sa se dezvolte in toate ariile vietii lor personale si profesionale, renuntand definitiv la alte forme de instruire si a reusit sa schimbe in bine vietile a peste 1.000 de persoane si sa aiba o retentie a clientilor de peste 90%. Considera ca singurul mod prin care poate sa creasca business-ul LMI este prin noi parteneri francizati.

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Director general, 5aSec Romania

Drossos Chrysanthou s-a mutat la Bucuresti in urma cu sase ani si a venit cu ideea de a dezvolta o afacere cu mobilier de lux. In schimb a ajuns Master Franchise partner 5asec pentru Romania, Grecia, Serbia, Croatia si Slovenia. Antreprenorul isi aminteste ca a dus doua costume la o spalatorie, iar rezultatul a fost dezastros, asa a simtit ca exista o noua nisa ce poate fi exploatata. In Romania a inceput activitatea in februarie 2010 cu firma Dry Cleaning Services SRL, ce detine masterfrancia pentru curatatoriile-spalatoriile de articole textile sub brandul 5asec pentru aceasta tara, iar prima unitate 5asec a fost deschisa in Vitan (Bucuresti). In prezent compania detine zece unitati in Bucuresti – Ilfov, doua dintre aceste unitati au fost deschise in ultimul an. Planurile lui nu se opresc aici, doreste sa se extinda in franciza si in alte orase din Romania, considerand ca distanta este un obstacol in pastrarea calitatii 5asec si de aceea are nevoie de parteneri pentru francize care sa coordoneze zi de zi operatiunile unitatilor 5asec.

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Founder, CEO, Oro Toro

Georgios Malideros, este specializat in administrarea afacerilor in Marea Britanie. Face parte din familia Malideros cea care a fondat Mega Image, iar in prezent este proprietarul restaurantului de lux Osho si creatorul conceptului Oro Toro - concept de gourmet burger. In anul 2013, omul de afaceri a decis sa se mute in Romania, pentru a se dedica afacerilor pe care le are dezvoltate, atat in domeniul horeca cat si in domeniul imobiliar, anterior mutarii in Romania, fiind auditor in cadrul BDO Grecia. Conceptul de tip fast food Oro Toro, a fost creat din dorinta de a oferi o experienta plina de savoare, sub forma unui rasfat culinar accesibil tuturor grumanzilor pasionati de carnea de vita. In prezent, reteaua a ajuns la 6 locatii proprii, In prezent, reteaua a ajuns la 6 locatii proprii, compania avand planuri in ceea ce priveste extinderea conceptului, atat prin intermediul locatiilor proprii cat si prin intermediul partenerilor francizati.

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Managing Partner, Inventure Franchise Consulting

He believes in the powers of the many in business and in collaborativeand structuredbusinesses. And the franchise very well matches his thinkingmode. He has multidisciplinary experience: entrepreneurship, strategy, advertising and energy, allowing him to understand the business models and the expansion potential. About Inventure: The mission of Inventure is that of facilitating the start-up and the development of sustainable business via the franchise system. We rely on the advantages of this business model: a paved way, an already tested recipe and which recorded positive resultson similar markets.We consider that the field of franchise in Romania is underdeveloped, but with very good medium- and long-term potential.

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