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What are the matchmaking type business networking sessions?
MATCHMAKING – is a type of business networking designed to offer the speakers, the partners and the guests maximum benefits from attending such an event, owing to the chance to appoint meetings with anyone in the guest list, according to matchmaking criteria, in adequate places prepared for businessmen meetings.
Matchmaking may be developed in two ways :
- on individual basis through the “meet-me” software application provided for free to all guests (as detailed below)
- through the support of a specially trained team, upon accessing business networking premium services, according to a “meeting profile” to be filled in two or three weeks before the event, where relevant matchmaking criteria should be put in. (By accessing these facilities you receive the support of our colleagues who are specially trained in providing advice and assistance throughout your pursuit to find out partners and to set the meeting-related details).
“Meet-me” Matchmaking
The software made available to the guests allows to :
- search by four criteria in the guest database, by the business field, company, position and name
- appoint meetings ,
- exchange the contact details.
The date of a meeting is established in two steps:
- The person who initiates the meeting submits a meeting proposal, upon reviewing the meeting calendar provided by the software;
- The person receiving the invitation checks out his/her availability in the calendar and accepts or denies or proposes another appointment.
Access to software is free of charge for all categories of Business Days stakeholders: partners, speakers and guests.
How to generate a list of business opportunities using the “meet-me” application?
In order to use this facility in the registration process, the guest should tick the option „generate business opportunities from the list of guests”.
Upon ticking this option, at the end of the registration procedure and once the registration form is filled in, you will receive an e-mail with a link where you may put in:
- the business fields that you are interested in (from a drop-down list) – minimum 1 – maximum 3
- choose the level of positions regarding the guests that you would meet (from a drop-down list) – minimum 1 – maximum 3 (the order counts)
- pick up from a list of opportunities the opportunities you are looking for in a potential partner (from a drop-down list) – minimum 1 – maximum 3 (the order counts)
- pick up from a list of opportunities the opportunities that you can offer to a potential partner interested in working with you – minimum 1 – maximum 3
What a partner is looking for or the opportunity he can offer will be added in one of the following categories:
- business relations,
- consultancy,
- labour relations,
- interview,
- business feedback
Once filled in these fields, the software will search in the database the matching interests and will fix a list of maximum 10 stakeholders matching the specified criteria.
The list may be read directly in the „meet-me”matchmaking application and will be included on a link in the invitation automatically generated by the system upon completion of the registration process.
The list is re-generated automatically on each access or on any change of the matching criteria made in the „meet-me” application.
Two types of actions may be generated with the people on the lists, through the matchmaking application:
- request to exchange contact details (this facility starts working a few days before the event, being active until the next year's edition)
- appoint a meeting in the business networking zone or anywhere in the socialization zone, through the meeting schedule facility (the facility works only during the event)
Business networking special zone
In order to facilitate the meetings, for each event we created a special networking zone arranged with ten tables and a reception desk and two people of the organization team attending permanently. Booking is needed in order to use this space for meetings.
Tables may be booked in the space specially arranged for business networking:
- for 30 minutes,
- 1 hour,
- 4 hours,
- 8 hours (1 day)
- 16 hours (2 days).
For the people booking the tables, free assistance services are offered during the meeting sessions (secretarial services, access to internet, printer, scanner, copy machine, computation means, sheets of writing paper and writing tools). Moreover, water, coffee and tea are included in the booking package.
Business networking premium services
For the people who are very busy or who want to receive additional networking facilities, premium services are offered:
- Appoint the meetings on the customer's behalf, according to a matchmaking form and an agenda to be agreed with the customer for the stakeholders listed for the event;
- Enhance the database with companies of the city where the event is held, which are not attending the event.
- Venue booking services for the meetings to be held outside the event location;
- Services of transfer from the event location to the venue booked for meeting or to the office of the company contacted for meeting and back
Contact person
For further details on the business networking matchmaking type services and in order to receive a matchmaking form, please contact our colleague:
Codruța Nicolescu
Executive Officer| online | start-up | media | international