Workshop 12 - Strategic driver in retail business

To whom is it addressed? – Entrepreneurs, sales department managers, key account managers, acquisition managers, all of those interested in understanding the specificities of the activity in the retail and FMCG industry.

What is the procedure? – Micro-presentation sessions followed by Q&A sessions.


The retail and FMCG industry in Romania has reached a high degree of complexity, which makes the negotiation process increasingly tough. Competition is rough, both among retailers and brand providers, and the local private brand production makes its presence felt and becomes a trend among producers. In this context, retailers and suppliers alike have to find the best ways to satisfy clients’ needs and to win their loyalty. Therefore, it becomes crucial to define correct, customized strategic initiatives, to maintain and develop partnerships with retailers. A good strategy leads, during negotiations, to an approach focused on win-win results and it is essential in building long-term partnerships, generating growth not just within one’s own business, but also within the entire market.

This is what we will debate together with you at the workshop “Strategic Drivers in Retail Business”:

  • What does it mean and how important is it for a producer to have a customized strategy? Why should they have a tailor-made strategy for each retailer? What are the advantages that stem from this approach?
  • How do producers transfer business strategies to initiatives and how do they build the action plans that the subsequent implementation should be founded upon? 
  • How can great retailers and the main producers collaborate and how should they do it in order to increase and develop categories with a view to satisfying the needs of the final consumer?
  • How does a periodical professional assessment of the business relationship take place? Why is a periodical analysis of performance indicators necessary and what positive effects occur following the application of the measures agreed in a business review?

In order to attend this workshop you need a PLUS access ticket (one day or both days) or PREMIUM (one day or both days).

Invest in your personal and professional development! Be better than your competition! 

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List of speakers

Managing Director , Sfera Business

Catalin este executivul care ia decizii cu impact imediat asupra performantelor unei companii. Expertiza sa credibilizeaza concluziile rezultate din procesul de analiza de business, iar rezultatele comerciale ale companiilor in care a activat Catalin certifica o experienta solida in zona comerciala.

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General Manager, BIO Logistic&Distribution

Implicat in procesul de vanzare si coordonare in pozitii executive de top management inca din 1994,atat in companii romanesti cat si multinationale, Doru a parcurs toate etapele de dezvoltare ale comertului ultimelor doua decenii. Impreuna cu echipele pe care le-a coordonat a introdus pe piata branduri noi, unele dintre ele duse la peste 20% market share . Atitudinea pro bussines in relatia cu clientii , corelat cu abilitatea de a coordona, remodela si motiva echipele cu care a lucrat au condus la bune rezultate economice ale companiilor in care a activat , capacitatile manageriale fiind astfel confirmate pe deplin. Experienta dobandita in relatia cu International Key Account inca de la aparitia acestora pe piata Romaneasca il recomanda ca un bun cunoscator al fenomenului. A activat pe piata bunurilor de larg consum dar nu a refuzat noi provocari si gestionarea bussines-urilor de nisa.

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Speaker, Co-fondator Speakers Club, Coaching4You

Paul Ardeleanu is one of the most active public speaking specialists from Romania. Since 2009 he is a trainer in presentation skills and in 2014 he founded with his business partner the company called Speakers Club which is community of practice for public speaking skills. In these years as a trainer, Paul interacted with more than 5,000 people who attended his courses, mostly entrepreneurs, managers or professionals speakers. In the present moment he has over 1,000 hours talking to the public. Paul was 5 times speaker at Business Days Conferences and speaker at TEDx Bacau conference in 2014. What brings unique within his seminars and courses are enthusiasm and passion of a person having the belief that he could change the world in a positive way from what is around him, step by step. His motto is: Inspiring Your Voice.

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