Workshop 6 - Tax and finance

To whom is it addressed? – Entrepreneurs, managers who coordinate teams, human resources managers, human resources professionals.

What is the procedure? – Moderated Q&A sessions.


If you attend this workshop, you will find the answers to the following questions:

  1. What should you know about taxes and charges?
  2. How can you know all the laws that define your field of activity and based on which the taxes and charges you owe are calculated?
  3. Why is tax consulting important? How and where can you get tax consulting?
  4. What are the deductions, exemptions and redirections of taxes? How can you use them to reduce your level of taxation?
  5. What are the main tax optimization methods?
  6. The truth about offshore companies, when and how should you use them in your tax optimization plan?
  7. Is barter a method of tax optimization? What other alternative methods are there?
  8. How can you reduce your tax footprint? Alternative energies, local resources, ecological transportation, save, produce…
  9. How can you protect yourself from tax control bodies?
  10. How do you avoid direct conflict with them? Tax guerilla techniques…

In order to attend this workshop you need a PLUS access ticket (one day or both days) or PREMIUM (one day or both days).

Invest in your personal and professional development! Be better than your competition! 

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List of speakers

Business Consultant,

He has a double formation – legal professional, specialized in human resources and economist specialized in marketing and management. From 2001 he has provided advisory services for various fields in developing small and medium-sized companies: human resources policies, market research, HR document management, assistance in ITM and ANAF inspections, debt recovery, mergers and selection of management boards. He is also a trainer (courses: Sales manager – one class being monitored by the World Bank; Human resources inspector; Efficient relationships with clients; Unbiased evaluation of performance; Communication etc.). His years spent working in consulting have helped him acquire an interdisciplinary position in fields such as using contracts to obtain maximum tax advantages or using the strict provisions of the Labor Code to render the activity more flexible and cut the employer’s expenses. He is a collaborator of the Rentrop&Straton Consulting Group, with which he has launched best-selling products (“Profitable alternatives to the labor agreement”, “How to recover debt without a trial – 8 quick methods”, “New tax rules applied to contracts in the New Civil Code”, “Performance evaluation” etc.). He worked for 14 years with the Legis law software in the fields “Doctrines” and “Economic syntheses”, he has collaborated with the portal since 2013 (the law software SuperLege, whose target audience are SMEs), and he has been an expert advisor since 2015 at the law software Indaco-Lege 5. After almost 15 years of advisory services, Horatiu Sasu speaks the language of Romanian entrepreneurs, offering practical solutions that stem straight from the needs of businessmen in small and medium-sized companies. That is why, besides the interdisciplinary aspect, his works have a strong practical element (we mention “50 advantages in your fight with the Treasury”, “Practices to avoid declaring and paying taxes” – co-authorship, C.H.Beck publishing house, as well as the products and works mentioned above). His experience in interdisciplinary fields and training have made him launch in 2015, together with Luca Dezmir, Adrian Benţa and Lucian Ţâţu, the online course “Tax guerilla: The company with ZERO taxes in Romania”, where Horatiu Sasu coordinated the market research campaign, mediated the contractual aspects related to the course and taught two interdisciplinary practical modules (“Tax optimization through alternatives to the labor agreement” and “How to justify the company with zero taxes to ANAF”).

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Luca Dezmir is the literary pseudonym that the dentist Darius Luca Hupov uses to write his non-fiction books, on topics of personal finance and investments. Luca started his activity as a doctor in 1994 and 3 years later he opened a private practice. A few years later, at the right time, Luca found a book that changed his life “Rich Dad Poor Dad: What the Rich Teach Their Kids about Money that the Middle Class Do Not!” by Robert Kiyosaki. That was when he radically changed his way of looking at money and prosperity. In 2001 he started investing in real estate properties. In 2002 he took a course in stock exchange investments with Jorg Christian Manetti and started investing in international financial markets in 2003. In time, he felt the need to share his personal experience and thus, in 2007, he opened the first Romanian blog dedicated entirely to personal finance and investments, A year later his book “Get out of the labyrinth – find your financial freedom in your own style” was published, the first one written by a Romanian to tackle personal finance and investments. In the following years he continued to write, publishing the books: “Tougher than the bank – get rid of your debts with a simple plan”, “How to make money as a teenager – a practical guide adapted to your needs” and “Tax guerilla handbook – how to pay the least number of taxes, using only legal methods”. At the same time, Luca began his activity as a trainer. He launched the first open platform for online education in Romania,, where he teaches personal finance and investment courses.

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Manager | Tax Advisory & Compliance Services, Ernst & Young SRL

Alex Grecu este manager în cadrul departamentului de asistenţă fiscală al EY şi coordoneaza birourile de taxe din Timisoara si Cluj-Napoca, avand o experiență de peste 7 ani pe probleme de consultanță fiscala. Membru al Camerei Consultanţilor Fiscali din România, Alex a dobândit experienţă în consilierea privind problemele legate de impozitele directe (impozitul pe profit, impozitul cu reţinere la sursă, impozitul pe venit), cât şi a procedurilor fiscale. De asemenea, Alex are experienţă în consilierea clienţilor cu privire la aspecte legate de impozitarea indirectă. Alexandru a lucrat la diverse proiecte incluzând revizii fiscale, due diligence, optimizări fiscale, consultanţă in legătură cu diverse taxe şi impozite.

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Founder, Senior Consultant & Trainer, Burcash

Founder of Burcash - independent financial education programme, Senior Consultant & Trainer. Graduate of the Faculty of Economic Sciences –Cluj, he launched his fist own business in the 2nd year of college. After graduation, he worked as a broker on the capital market, then in the field of sales, soon becoming sales manager. Initiator of successful projects in the field of online business (, Eusebiu is constantly preoccupied with “the development of the marketing and sale teams in the Romanian companies “, he develops and delivers training programmes for negotiations, consultative sales, strategic marketing, product management and others. City Pharma, Beiersdorf, E.ON Gaz, EURO GSM, Relad Pharma, Safilar, Leo Burnett&Target count among his customers. He is author of numerous articles in specialized magazines, he is a member of the Board of Directorsof AMCOR, member of ISMM, AMA and HR Club.

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