Special session - The challenges of the business environment and how we deal with them?

According to the market research carried out by Business Days in August in the business environment in the central and north region basically revealed 4 major plans that focus the main challenges that businessmen in these regions are facing:

  1. first plane:
    1. the intricate taxation and regulation system for businesses in Romania
    2. tax unpredictability
    3. excessive red tape
  2. second plane:
    1. lack of a quality formal business education
    2. lack of a healthy entrepreneurial culture in Romania
    3. lack of quality human resources
    4. lack of a quality informal business education
  3. third plane:
    1. ethics in business
    2. zeal and unjustness of control bodies of the state
  4. fourth plane:
    1. lack of transportation and logistics infrastructure

As we can see, all major challenges are mostly a consequence of governing without a clear direction to support and develop the business environment by simplifying the taxation system, stabilizing the legislative system in order to allow predictability and simplify red tape in the relationship with the business environment.

The second plane included formal and informal education, as well as the mentality regarding businesspeople, manifested by the lack of an entrepreneurial culture and a permissive attitude regarding failure.

The challenges in the third plane are quite interesting, focused on two sides: the ethics of business partners and the zeal and unjustness of control bodies of the state. On the one hand, unprofessional partners, in default of payment, create pressure on companies and often send them to the risk area, and on the other hand, we have the zeal of the state’s control bodies, mostly ANAF, which often manage to destabilize almost completely a company already weakened by unprofessional partners, due to long, exhausting controls, and the measures they take. The main reasons mentioned by businesspeople in the region are: inequality in thematic controls, lack of a constructive attitude from inspectors, who consider the controlled economic agents are already criminals, without providing advisors and support in solving errors in a way that does not send the company on the brink of bankruptcy.

In the fourth plane, we have the lack of a regional strategy for economic development by creating economic infrastructure, attracting investors and encouraging economic exchanges with the central and northern region.

Naturally, besides these challenges, which mostly seem to have external causes, we have another series of challenges created by the competition, by the lack of financial resources for development projects and projects of other types.

We have invited to this debate a series of Romanian and foreign entrepreneurs and managers who work in Romania to give us their own perspective of these challenges and, above all, to share with us the way they deal with them successfully.

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List of speakers

CEO, Owner, Perpetuum

Dan Pitic este unul dintre cei mai apreciați oameni de afaceri din Cluj și nu numai, fiind proprietarul a numeroase afaceri de succes dintre care cea mai cunoscută este Perpetuum, compania ce are ca obiect de activitate importul, distribuţia şi producţia produselor pentru amenajări interioare şi exterioare.

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Director general, Banca Transilvania

Omer Tetik este unul din cei mai tineri CEO ai bancilor din Romania. In cei 19 ani de cariera, a lucrat in domeniul bancar din Turcia, Rusia si Romania. Si-a inceput cariera la Finansbank, in Istambul, ca Dealer Trezorerie , iar apoi a fost Executive Manager Trezorerie la Finansbank Moscova. In cadrul Credit Europe Bank Romania a indeplinit functia de Executive Manager ; Vicepresedinte al Diviziei Retail Banking, Prim-Vicepresedinte, respectiv de CEO. Din 2013 este Directorul General al Bancii Transilvania. In anul 2014 a fost desemnat unul din cei mai admirati 100 CEO din Romania, clasament publicat de Business Magazin. Nou intrat in acest top, Omer Tetik se claseaza pe locul 15 si in top 3 cei mai admirati finantisti. Cetatean roman de origine turca , este nascut in Germania. A absolvit Faculty of Economics, Middle East Technical University (Ankara) si vorbeste fluent 4 limbi straine.

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General Manager, Emerson

Balazs Hopka este absolvent al Facultatii de Transporturi Szechenyi Istvan din Szekesfehervar din Ungaria, specializat in transport si logistica. Din 1999 lucreaza la Emerson, la fabrica din Szekesfehervar din Ungaria, unde a ocupat o serie de pozitii in departamentul de Supply Chain. In 2008 a preluat pozitia de Director Logistic pentru Europa, iar din septembrie 2013 ocupa pozitia de Director General la Emerson Romania.

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Managing Director, CEO, SBR- Soletanche Bachy Romania

Cristian is a graduate of the Faculty ofManagement within the Academy of Economic Studies of Bucharest, he holds an MBA in Risk Management within the International Institute of Learning (ILI Zurich), he can boast with an experience of over 15 years in the field of management, negotiations and the coordination of entrepreneurial projects. At the present moment, he is CEO of SBR Soletanche Bachy Romania, company that is part of the Vinci Group. It is the third business taken over from scrap,which he managed to bring to a turnover of the order of dozens of millions. He describes himself as being a person fascinated with innovation, the future, he is always in quest for challenges in order to test his limits. His motto: “Without passion you have no energy, without energy you have nothing” (Donald Trump).

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Owner, BanuInvest

Florentin Banu, former Romanian badminton champion, is the author of two big successful businesses on the Romanian market: S.C. Joe I.B.C S.R.L. (business crowned with the success with which the sale of the company was made to Nestle, world manufacturer in the food) and S.C. Artima R.I.C.supermarket company (firm that was sold to PEF Investment Polish concern in March 2005, subsequently becoming “Carrefour” supermarket chain). The business man from Timișoara is currently focused on supporting the threebusinesses that he holds. Together with his brother, he controls, via the Banuinvest Group, three businesses – Banuconstruct (real estate development and construction in Timișoara), Banusport (a sports center developed in Timișoara) and Interpart Production (business with plastics and moulds, especially for the automotive industry).

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Owner, The Marks

Director de marketing în companii importante românești ca Policolor, Murfatlar sau TVR, partener Trout & Partners pentru birourile din București, Chișinău și Viena. Experiența sa numără 11 premii Effie, start-up-ul și dezvoltarea unor agenții de advertising importante și lansarea și poziționarea unor branduri cunoscute românești. În echipa Marks, Iulian Pădurariu activează ca și consultant de marketing asociat. Iulian este un om care gândește simplu. Îi reușește asta fără efort. Tocmai datorită acestui fapt el spune că n-a muncit decât o singură dată-n viață, atunci când a prăjit cartofi la McDonald’s la Piața Unirii. De atunci a făcut totul cu pasiune. După ce a lucrat timp de 7 ani ca și angajat în companii românești, în 2005 a deschis la București biroul de consultanță al rețelei prezidate de Jack Trout, unul dintre cei mai renumiți strategi de business. Din 2008 coordonează activitatea Trout&Partners pentru Europa Centrală și de Est, de la biroul din Viena. Încă păstrează legătura cu România, atât pentru clienții Marks, cât și pentru prieteni și familie, dar și pentru a susține diferite discursuri sau workshopuri în cadrul unor proiecte educaționale precum Business Design Academy sau Outliers Lab. Iulian iubește muzica pe care nu numai că o ascultă, dar o și mixează. Și fiindcă locuiește în Austria a dezvoltat o dulce dependență de sporturile de iarnă pe care le practică pentru a se relaxa.

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General Director, Opportunity Microcredit România

S-P O’Mahony has extensive experience in the field of international relations, foreign capital investment and regional development, as well as being a marketing and sales professional. During his career he has contributed to the activity of international institutions such as British Airways, Malév and the Embassy of Ireland in Romania. He is at home in the field of regional social development, and is the General Director and Vice President of the Board of Directors of Opportunity Microcredit Romania, as well as working with GoodBrand, a consultancy specialised in developing corporate social strategy.

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General Director, Philips Lighting

Bogdan Balaci occupies the position of General Manager in the South-East Europe area with in Philips Lighting. He has an experience of over 20 years in the IT industry and other industries thereto connected, being specialized in the strategic and operational business development, as well as in team management and complex projects in extremely competitive industries. Bogdan is responsible for the development and implementation of the Philips Lighting strategy in Romania and the countries in the South-Eastern Europe where the company is operational, and the consolidation of the position of the company as leader in the industry of intelligent lighting solutions counts among the objectives there of.

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Commercial Director, DPD

One of the most powerful young managers in Romania, Alin Gherman joined DPD (Pegasus) Romania in the position of Commercial Manager. He has extensive experience in sales and marketing, previously working for DHL, Procter & Gamble, Holdmann and Babel Communications. He has an EMBA from Asebuss in collaboration with Kennesaw State University. He is also trainer of Exec-Edu.

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Owner, Palladi Dacian Business Consultance

A legal professional by training, Dacian Palladi has been in business since 1992. For 11 years he worked as a legal and tax & financial advisor. For more than 10 years now, he has carried out advisory activities in the general management of companies, change management, innovation management, marketing and consumer psychology. A public figure, interested in personal development, he also writes on his blog www.dacianpalladi.com. Hobby: God and family. Outside work he takes care of his family, balancing it with his professional activity, respecting the order: God, family, work.

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Consultant Comunicare în Business I Expert Media I Founder Powerful Communication, Powerful Communication

Laura Dragomir este Consultant Comunicare în Business și Expert Media. De asemenea, este trainer, facilitator, speaker și moderator evenimente de business.

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