What Business Days means today

What Business Days means today

In the last 10 years, the Business Days platform has succeeded to build around it an impressive community of business people from Romania and abroad and has succeeded to generate strong economic impact all over the country.

Today, the Business Days community means:

  1. Over 450.000 entrepreneurs, managers, and database experts (qualified and segmented in 8 criteria: region, domain, position, age, sex, number of employees, sales turnover, capital)
  2. Over 35.000 warm contacts - entrepreneurs, managers, professionals
  3. Over 500.000 online visitors of the www.businessdays.ro website in a month average
  4. Over 125.000 fans of the Business Days Facebook page
  5. Hundreds of campaigns and projects developed with partners from different industries: IT&C, Automotive, Facility Management, Financial & Banking,  Leasing, Telecom, FMGC

Throughout the years we have launched a series of special services that generate business opportunities which can be accessed separately or in a larger partnership package.

  • Special services of business networking (recommendations, referrals, introductions, business matchmaking meetings, special events of business networking)
  • Special services for generating opportunities through different campaigns of smart communication
  • Special services for generating leads through email marketing or telemarketing campaigns
  • Special services for generating opportunities through telesales campaigns.
  • Special services for marketing researches
  • Event organizing or event tour services
  • Services for organizing delegations or economic missions on various international events
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