CONFERINȚA 2 - Trenduri globale si influenta lor asupra viitorului - sesiuni keynote
Suntem la o rascruce de drumuri, o perioada de decizii care vor dicta sanatatea si viabilitatea civilizatiei noastre pentru decadele care urmeaza. Al Gore
Anul acesta doua preocupari majore domina lista: economia si mediul. Aceste doua zone de focus sunt interconectate in mod inseparabil. Prosperitatea economica pe termen lung este direct dependenta de sustenabilitatea mediului. Astazi vedem consecintele gandirii economice pe termen scurt, utilizarea fara discernamant a resurselor: disputarea resurselor de apa intre natiunile vecine, mai frecvente si mai distrugatoare manifestari ale fenomenelor meteorologice cauzate de incalzirea globala, o criza continua si incontrolabila de despudurire la nivel global, un ocean care devine rapid din ce in ce mai acid, erodarea calitatii solului si a capacitatii agricole si o criza alarmanta a biodiversitatii.
Astazi mai mult ca niciodata este important sa inetelegem trendurile prezentului si tendintele care se vor manifesta in viitor. Este important sa intelegem cum ne vor influenta viata evolutia tehnologiei, inovatia din toate domeniile, care vor fi principalele provocari si ce oportunitati ne va releva viitorul.
Am invitat la prima editie CEE Entrepreneurship Summit 2015 o serie de antreprenori, manageri, experti, profesori universitari pentru a ne oferii din perspectiva lor viziunea asupra viitorului.
Pentru a participa la acesta sesiune este nevoie de tichet de acces valabil pentru evenimentul CEE Entrepreneurship Summit 2015 (poate fi atat BASIC, PLUS, PREMIUM sau VIP).
Investeste in dezvoltarea ta personala si profesionala! Fii mai bun decat competitia ta!
Lista speakeri
Keynote Speaker , Trainer,
Filipe Carrera este speaker si trainer international de origine portugheza cu activitate in peste 50 de tari de pe 4 continente. A scris 6 carti traduse in 7 limbi (una dintre carti se gaseste si in Romania:NETWORKING – ghid de supravietuire pentru profesionisti) si sustine cursuri in cele mai prestigioase universitati din Portugalia, Spania si Romania. In orice training el aduce informatii, umor si o experienta internationala vasta.
Global CEO , Kilpatrick ™
A Graduate in Economics from the Netherlands, Jacob started his career initially in ING, later joined Hotelplan and then joined the European full service HR organization Start People for over ten years. His main areas of expertise have been business development and general management having managed businesses in Italy, Greece, Portugal, Romania and the Netherlands. Jacob has had extensive experience in commercial negotiations, start ups of new companies in various countries with both private and (semi) public sectors. In 2003, he took over the Italian executive search firm Kilpatrick and immediately affiliated the company to a global network IESF and built up the business regionally to become a leading player in the international searches for both Italian clients abroad and Multinationals trying to define key players in Italy. In February 2006 the firm opened their first foreign branche in Romania (Timisoara and Bucharest) and later in the Netherlands. Kilpatrick has really become an integrated part of the global network and Jacob and his team continue their aggressive and successful development of the business. Today Kilpatrick has 15 international hubs and serve their clients in 30+ countries. Jacob has built a reputation with both clients and candidates that are based on superior communication and project results that exceed expectations. Working at the highest levels, he has successfully built teams for early-stage clients as well as reinvigorated established organizations with new talent. Jacob's specialty is to manage the cultural differences aiming at the best possible return on investment for both company and executive. His commitment to excellence, combined with extensive in depth industry knowledge, has been the driving force behind Kilpatrick's development. Jacob is nowadays is the Global CEO of the Kilpatrick Group to whom belong Kilpatrick Executive Search, Kilpatrick Solutions, ADK International and Gemini Executive Search and employes roughly 70 professionals between Singapore and Miami : a pocket sized multinational !
Vice-Presedinte, Opportunity Microcredit România
S-P O’Mahony are o experienţă vastă în domeniul relaţiilor internaţionale, al investiţiilor de capital străin şi dezvoltare regională, totodată este un profesionist în domeniul de marketing și vânzări. Pe parcursul carierei sale a contribuit la activitatea unor instituţii internaţionale precum British Airways, Malev sau Ambasada Irlandei în Ungaria și România. Cu experienţă în dezvoltarea regională socială, el este CEO şi vicepreşedinte al Consiliului de Administrație Opportunity Microcredit România; totodată colaborează cu GoodBrand, o companie de consultanţă specializată în dezvoltarea strategiilor sociale corporatiste.
Klaus Hoffbeck is one of the leading experts in negotiation techniques/dispute resolution, body language and influence and is an experienced and sought-after lecturer nationally and internationally. He has over the years taught thousands of business people as well as been used in the media and national television as a commentator on in particular politicians' body language and credibility. Mikkel Gudsøe also works as chief attorney in Commercial Law, IPR & Mediation in the trade organization Danish Fashion and Textile. He is a lecturer in Legal Negotiation at Aarhus University and a trained mediator (and responsible for the institution: DM & T Mediation). Mikkel Gudsøe has a Master in Psychology and graduated Master of Non-verbal Behavior of former FBI Special Agent specializing in body language Joe Navarro. Mikkel Gudsøe teaches multiple models, of which Harvard Principled Negotiation is the foundation, which is seasoned with several of Mikkel Gudsøes own models and tools for understanding and preparing for negotiations - including 4-D negotiation, Positive-Negative-Positive model Negotiate-O-meter and Tricks-O-meter, SET-model as well of other proven methods for enhancing influence, leadership and business. Mikkel Gudsøe has held numerous master classes around the world and as examples hereof: Master Class lectures ("Body language, verbal leaks and clues of deception in negotiation") at Bern University - World Trade Institute 3 times, and Queen's University, Belfast, Northern Ireland, Master Class lectures ("4-D Negotiation & Persuasion") Bond University in Australia, Master Class lectures ("Preparing Negotiations") at the John Marshall Law School in Chicago, USA. Further he has acted and acts as judge, mediator and coach at various highly professional business oriented competitions such as the International Negotiation Competition, Global Negotiation Competition (coached the winning team 2 years in a row – 2014, 2015) at Bern University – World Trade Institute and the International Commercial Mediation Competition at the International Chamber of Commerce in Paris.
International Managing Director , Thomas International
As Global Training Director, Rod’s remit is to help Thomas' clients use our assessments to transform the performance of their people and ultimately their business. He works with Thomas’ global network of distributors to help clients recruit, retain, develop and lead high performance teams and individuals. Additionally, Rod trains clients all over the world, from large corporates to the smallest businesses. He is often seen at events, on TV and in the media demonstrating the power that people assessments can bring to any organization. Having joined Thomas in 1999, Rod quickly became one of the company’s most successful sales consultants. In 2000, he was awarded Thomas International’s Best Newcomer Trophy (UK). In 2005, Rod took on a new challenge as London’s Regional Director, and quickly put together a dynamic team working with him out of the newly refurbished London Office. Since January 2008, Rod has been growing Thomas International’s global presence, helping Thomas distributors all over the world grow and support their client base. Rod Cornwell in 3 words: dynamic, charismatic and positive!
Mikkel Gudsøe is an expert in negotiation techniques, body language and conflict and an experienced and sought-after lecturer nationally and internationally. Sitting also as Chief Attorney Trade Law, IPR & Mediation, with the trade organization Danish Fashion and Textile in which 320 Danish companies assisted in national and international conflicts and negotiations, lecturer in Legal Negotiation and previously in the International Negotiation Competition (INC) at Aarhus University and trained mediator (and responsible for the institution: DM & T Mediation). Owner company MDR Group - Modern Dispute Resolution Ltd., Mikkel Gudsøe teach every year businesses, organizations, municipalities, etc. in negotiation, conflict resolution and niche area body language include Service improvement in retail, management of customers, empathy, partners, etc. Mikkel Gudsøe have on the academic level, in particular held brown bag seminar in body language at Bern University - World Trade Institute in April 2013, Master Class lecture ("Body language, verbal leaks and clues of deception in negotiation") by INC 2012 Queen's University, Belfast, Northern Ireland, and has been Master Class lectures ("4-D Negotiation & Persuasion") and Negotiation Coach by INC 2010 at Bond University in Australia, Master Class lectures ("Preparing Negotiations") and Judge of the INC in 2009 at John Marshall Law School in Chicago, USA and judge and mediator at the International Commercial Mediation Competition 2009, 2010, 2012 and 2013 by the International Chamber of Commerce, Paris. Furthermore, Mikkel Gudsøe assigned the responsibility to fully master class at the International Negotiation Competition at Chapman Law School in California in July 2013 in the subject of "E-negotiations"
Founder and CEO, SLG Thomas International AB
Since 1971, Per Falck is selling, growing businesses and motorbiking around Europe! After working for big companies like Electrolux and IKEA, he decided to set up his own business, SLG International. In 1990 he gained the rights for Thomas International in more European countries and in 1998, together with Sorina Bradea and Carmen Sasu, he established the Thomas business in Romania. Now, SLG is present in Azerbaijan, Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Hungary, Latvia, Kazakhstan, Macedonia, Poland, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovenia, Sweden and Ukraine. Per is still passionate by sales and organisational development and he is working for companies like IKEA, Volvo, Scania, Swedish Retail Trade, doing Service management, sales management, individual, team and organisational development. The words that best describe Per are action, results and friendship
CEO, Romania
Campion al României la Public Speaking în 2011, Călin este unul dintre cei care au avut impact major la dezvoltarea Public Speaking-ului din România. Pasiunea pentru vorbitul în public și-a descoperit-o în cadrul organizației Toastmasters, organizație pe care a coordonat-o ca și Guvernator al României.
Realizator emisiuni Radio-Tv, Trainer Public Speaking,
In prezent este trainer ANC specializat pe tehnica livrarii mesajului in discurs. De doi ani si jumatate formeaza public-speakeri, traineri, precum si persoane care sunt constiente de faptul ca nu pot transmite cunostinte si informatii daca nu stapanesc arta oratoriei, dictia si tehnicile de gestionare a emotiilor. De asemenea, este trainer certificat Persolog dupa modelul DISC, voice over la BTI, speaker si moderator permanent la Business Days de peste 3 ani.
Coordonator, Fondator, Business Days
Laszlo este o persoană care crede cu tărie în şansa României pe piaţa economică globală. Crede că şi în România se pot dezvolta afaceri competitive la nivel global. Crede că, prin dezvoltarea în timp a unei culturi antreprenoriale sănătoase, vom imbunătăţi mult şi condiţiile de trai şi potenţialul economic al ţării. Crede în cooperare, în spiritul asociativ şi în generarea de oportunităţi reale prin puterea recomandărilor. Este unul dintre cei mai activi susţinători ai implementării pe piaţa din România a unor mecanisme de business networking eficiente.