

Business Days Platform  is one of the most important business  and communication platform  in Romania. In the 12 years of activity, the platform has developed in several directions, delivering professional services for entrepreneurial  and corporate companies.

  • 120 business large events, corporate events, match making events, bootcamps, 
  •  200 webinars 
  • over 150 communication and lead generation projects ( in the last 3 years)


The Business Days community has over 450.000 entrepreneurs, managers, specialists and experts nationwide.

The platform delivers professional services and has certified experts in:

  • digital marketing
  • marketing automation
  • corporate and business events  
  • artificial intelligentce tools (Crystal Partners in Romania)
  • lead generation, lead nurturing
  • Inbound  marketing;
  • direct marketing . 
  • Market research- feedback of launched products, creation of new products upon the market needs. 

Content Marketing Manager (Bucuresti)

AVEM NEVOIE DE COLEGI NOI PENTRU PROIECTE NOI! In vederea dezvoltarii si consolidarii afacerii pe directii noi la nivel national si international, platforma BD angajeaza un nou content marketing manager care sa creeze si sa dezvolte continut pentru platforma si clientii companiei. De 11 ani facem echipa cu oameni integri, responsabili, loiali, veseli, profesionisti, cu gandire pozitiva, etici si flexibili.


PPC Manager (Bucuresti)

We are looking for a PPC (Pay Per Click) Manager to run PPC campaigns and monitor paid search budgets.