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Masterclass [BD] - Developing Your Strategy. Finding Your Path to Success
Masterclass-urile sunt sesiuni avansate care se axeaza pe transferul de cunostinte prin prezentari interactive. La o sesiune de masterclass participa 1 pana la 3 speakeri care sunt experti, practicieni cu multi ani de experienta in domeniul pe care este axata sesiunea. Sesiunile sunt axate pe dezvoltarea afacerii, centrate pe dezvoltarea pornind din interiorul organizatiei sau centrate pe dezvoltarea business-ului in exterior, fie accesand piete noi, fie prin diversificare sau printr-o abordare strategica diferita.
#AUDIENTA target
Se adreseaza in principal antreprenorilor care au afaceri dezvoltate, managerilor din companiile stabile si dezvoltate, profesionistilor care au atins un nivel profesional avansat. Nivelul de transfer al cunostintelor este avansat.
Pentru a castiga (a va atinge obiectivele) aveti nevoie de un plan de joc. Echipele profesioniste din sport stiu acest lucru si aceasi idee trebuie aplicata si pentru companie, pentru departamentul, echipa pe care o conduceti sau chiar ca si individ.
A avea succes inseamna sa stii sa utilizezi talentele si resursele de care dispui pentru a-ti crea un avantaj competitiv diferentiator.
Acest masterclass isi propune sa va ofere o abordare axata pe bunul simt si pe metode sistematice de a crea o strategie.
Strategia difera si depinde mult de tipul de organizatie, de exemplu pentru companii profitabilitatea si competivitatea sunt mai importante decat pentru un ONG sau pentru un departament guvernamental. La fel departamentele din cadrul unei organizatii vor avea obiective diferite, dar care concura toate catre atingerea obiectivelor strategice ale organizatiei. Depinzand de circumstante si de scop puteti avea strategii axate pe cresterea profitabilitatii, pe cresterea cotei de piata, pe cresterea satisfactiei clientilor.
Pentru a determina strategia potrivita trebuie sa intelegeti foarte bine factorii interni si externi care va afecteaza afacerea. Intelegand influenta acestora veti putea care sunt factorii care va aduc avantaj si cum le puteti utiliza pe acestea pentru a avea succes. Incepand de aici puteti lua decizii informate si sa implementati cu eficienta strategia.
Crearea strategiei urmareste trei etape importante:
- Analiza contextului in care operati
- Identificarea optiunilor strategice
- Evaluarea si alegerea celei mai bune optiuni
#INTREBARI la care vor incerca sa ofere raspunsuri prezentarile speakerilor*
- cum analizam propria noastra organizatie? Care sunt resursele de care dispunem? Ce capabilitati avem? Care sunt atuurile noastre? Care sunt punctele noastre slabe? Cu ce probleme si provocari ne confruntam?
- care sunt competentele noastre de baza?
- la ce ne ajuta analizele PEST si Porter pentru a intelege factorii si fortele externe care ne afecteaza afacerea?
- cine sunt clientii nostri? cum este segmentata piata? ce sub-segment poate fi atins cost-effective? care este mixul de marketing optim?
- cine sunt actionarii si proprietarii afacerii? care sunt nevoile si necesitatiile acestora?
- cine sunt competitorii nostri? ce este conceptul, notiunea si instrumentul "competitive intelligence"?
- care este USP-ul nostru?
- ca valoare adaugam?
- cum identificam optiunile strategice?
- cum examinam oportunitatile si amenintarile?
- ce probleme solutionam cu aceste optiuni strategice?
- ce instrumente putem folosi in identificarea optiunilor strategice?
- cum evaluam si selectam optiunea strategice potrivita?
- cum putem implementa cu succes strategia?
- https://www.mindtools.com/pages/main/newMN_STR.htm
Pentru a participa la aceasta sesiune este nevoie de cel putin tipul de acces Business Development.
Lista speakeri
Programme Director, EMBA University of Hull
Andrew has nineteen years of business experience across Europe, N. America & Asia, as a head-hunter, management consultant, interim HR Director, learning facilitator, business school lecturer (University of Hull) and is currently Programme Director for UBB Executive Education. He has a Ph.D. in property rights and environmental conflict from the University of Cardiff, Wales. Andrew has worked across the world for a wide range of multinational clients such as Coca-Cola, Holcim, AIG, PwC, GSK, Deloitte, Orange, Volksbank, ING, Vodafone and many more. The founder of Connect CEE (consulting) and Endike Associates (executive search), he has also written widely for current affairs magazines, academic journals and in 2013 published his first book.
Co-Founder, UX10
I have been passionate about entrepreneurship and building long-lasting businesses all my life. I focus on the professional services areas, initially setting up my own training company and building it into one of the leading management training companies in Romania. I have also set up a sales improvement company focused on obtaining measurable results. I successfully worked as a business trainer, helping managers reach their leadership potential and building market-winning teams. Currently working as CEO of the British-Romanian Chamber of Commerce and overseeing the development and implementation of the British Business Centre. Part of a UKTI-funded project, we are working to draw British business to Romania and significantly boost trade relations between the UK and Romania
Technology and Innovation Leader, World Economic Forum
I am a scientist and tech analyst striving to bridge the gap between technology and business. As Global Leadership Fellow at the World Economic Forum Technology Pioneers I continuously round out my picture of how technology is shaping the world of tomorrow.
Country Manager, Kilpatrick ™
Sotiris started his career in 1990 as a sales trainee in L'OREAL while studying business administration in Deree college(the American college in Greece) after completing his military obligations he worked at ING as an insurance broker and then moved back to fmcg at NESTLE as a key account sales man. In 1998 he moved as an area sales manager of Castrol intl and in the year 2000 moved into consulting as a trainer at Response int. In the year 2001 he took the challenge of becoming the general manager of Response in Romania by moving there to establish the local office from scratch. In 2006 Sotiris participated in the opening of the Bulgarian affiliate as well as the transformation of the executive search department into a separate company, Stanton Chase Intl., a major American network that Response joined. In the end of 2006 he decided to establish his own business in Bucharest UP services with key activities as recruiting, executive search, training and events. During the following years he established valuable international collaborations with APS, Advanced People Strategies UK, in training and HR tools (certified trainer) and Chris Daffy and the Academy of Service Excellence, a pioneer in the domain of customer experience management (certified trainer). He also had the chance to organize very big events bringing in Romania famous speakers including Stephen Covey, Daniel Goleman, Alan Pease, John Kotter and others, gathering more than 400 people in each event, with a record of 1200 attendees for Stephen Covey. He also had the chance to host for 3 years 2 radio shows in www.radiolynx.ro, one of the biggest internet radios in Romania "Global business" for international business news and interviews, and "job masters" for HR. Sotiris taught as a visiting professor to the executive MBA program of University of Wales in Romania delivering courses on international management, strategic human resources, leadership & management and organizational analysis. As country manager for Romania and Greece Sotiris is the focal point for all our clients in the region.