Ciprian Jichici

Almost 20 years after my first exposure to Machine Learning, I find myself in the middle of a fundamental transformation of the industry driven by this sophisticated technology. The explosive development of cloud computing is fueling the shift towards including ever more intelligence into modern IT platforms. In a few short years, machine learning delivered via cloud computing became a ubiquitous and affordable technology. The value unlocked for organizations is tremendous. Whether it’s about increasing sales by better understanding customers, saving money by predicting failures or incidents, or increasing the accuracy of medical diagnostics, my work related to machine learning helps people do work faster and smarter.

The speed of modern day changes is truly astounding. I firmly believe that we industry influencers have an important duty to share the knowledge we gain in complex and challenging projects. That’s why I always find time to talk to people about how and why our industry is changing. And I do this especially for the young following in our footsteps.

The most important thing I’ve learned in this journey is that my career would not be complete without both customer success and the sharing of knowledge. I am fortunate and proud to be among the ones that do both.

My primary role is General Manager at Genisoft ( I’m also recognized internationally as a Microsoft Regional Director and Most Valuable Professional in Artificial Intelligence. Read more about me at