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Christophe Stueckelberger

Christoph Stückelberger (born 1951) is Founder, was Executive Director (2008-2016) and is President (since July 2016) of the global network on ethics “Globethics.net Foundation”, based in Geneva/Switzerland and with ten offices on four continents. He is Executive Director of Geneva Agape Foundation in Geneva, mainly with partners in China. He is Prof. (em.) at the University of Basel, Distinguished Professor at the Technical University MEPhI in Moscow, Visiting Professor at GOU University in Enugu/Nigeria and at Kingdom Business College in Beijing/China. He got his doctor honoris causa (Dr. h.c.) from the UPC University in Kinshasa/DR Congo for his longterm engagement in Africa. He is Vice-President of the Ethics Committee of Prime Value (Ethics Fund), member of the Board of Quadia SA Geneva and Ethics Advisor for the UN-Scaling Up Nutrition Programme (SUN).
His main fields of research are economic/business ethics, trade ethics, finance ethics, political ethics, development ethics, environmental ethics and philanthropy. He published as author and editor many books and hundreds of articles on applied ethics, in seven languages, among others on Responsible Leadership, Global Trade Ethics, food ethics, peace ethics, consumer ethics, work ethics, corruption, interreligious ethics, technology and ethics, development ethics, fundamental values and bioethics. In 2016 he published four volumes “Global Ethics Applied (1500 pages, free download www.globethics.net/publications, Readers Series) with 90 of his articles, selected from a broad range of topics.