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Simon Robinson

Educated at Oxford and Edinburgh Universities, Robinson was trained as a psychiatric social worker and as an Anglican priest. After chaplaincy, teaching and research posts at Heriot Watt University, Edinburgh University, and the University of Leeds, he joined Leeds Beckett University in 2004 as Professor of Applied and Professional Ethics. He has written and researched extensively in business ethics, corporate social responsibility, leadership, the nature and dynamics of responsibility, equality, integrity, shame and guilt, spirituality and ethics, and ethics and care.
Books include: Agape, Moral Meaning and Pastoral Counselling; Spirituality and the Practice of Healthcare; Values in Higher Education; Spirituality, Ethics and Care; Ethics and the Alcohol Industry; Leadership Responsibility; Business Ethics in Practice; Co-charismatic Leadership; Integrity and the Practice of Business.
He is director of the Centre for Governance, Leadership and Global Responsibility, senior editor of the new Palgrave book series on Governance, Leadership and Responsibility, and editor of the Journal of Global Responsibility.