Ionuț Grossu

Ionut Grossu, is one of the most experienced ecommerce professionals in Romania. After 8 years of managing top positions in fashion retail, he created Fashion Days together with a group of Swiss Investors in 2009 from idea to 10M euro per year. Since then, several ecommerce businesses have been managed or consulted by him like,,, or other diverse projects from Belgium, China, Russia or UK. From time to time he is appointed as an ecommerce expert for GLG or McKinsey Poland. In the past years, Ionut has been leading the digital and marketing departements of 2 very big retailers, Auchan in Romania and Technodom in Kazakhstan.

Starting 2011, Ionut is a Lifetime Member of Worldwide Who's Who in Ecommerce. In 2017 was nominated at Ten Outstanding Young Persons in Romania (TOYP) for Economical & Entrepreneurship section by Junior Chamber International. He is a marketing graduate and holds a certificate in Digital Transformation offered by European Institute for Ecommerce Management (EICOM) with President of Class distinction, held in Cambridge, UK at Churchill Colleage.
Since Octomber 2019, he is Chief Digital Officer and board member at Teilor, having the responsiblity to accelerate the growth of the brand in online in several international markets.