Wolfgang Schenk.

Wolfgang Schenk is  bachelor of business administration at university of applied science Osnabrück with focus on production and electronic data processing and master of business administration at universities Münster and Osnabrück with focus on production, economic taxation, micro economics, welfare economics. 

From 1992 untill today Wolfang Schenk is shareholder of all companies of the OSMA - group and constructing and managing a continuously growing business in the real estate market with rented flats as owner.

Also, from 2005 is member of the managing board and shareholder of a regional travelling agency, named Reise-Kunst and internships for Christian students from CEE states. 

From 2013 is involved in activities in the academic entrepreneurship research with themes about the question: Where does come entrepreneurial foresight from.

12/2013: Honored in Berlin by the national German president with a high ranked German medal for social engagement

Until today: honorable based president or member of board in several bigger regional social organizations.
