Mikkel Gudsøe

Mikkel Gudsøe is an expert in negotiation techniques, body language and conflict and an experienced and sought-after lecturer nationally and internationally. Sitting also as Chief Attorney Trade Law, IPR & Mediation, with the trade organization Danish Fashion and Textile in which 320 Danish companies assisted in national and international conflicts and negotiations, lecturer in Legal Negotiation and previously in the International Negotiation Competition (INC) at Aarhus University and trained mediator (and responsible for the institution: DM & T Mediation). Owner company MDR Group - Modern Dispute Resolution Ltd., mdrg.dk.

Mikkel Gudsøe teach every year businesses, organizations, municipalities, etc. in negotiation, conflict resolution and niche area body language include Service improvement in retail, management of customers, empathy, partners, etc.

Mikkel Gudsøe have on the academic level, in particular held brown bag seminar in body language at Bern University - World Trade Institute in April 2013, Master Class lecture ("Body language, verbal leaks and clues of deception in negotiation") by INC 2012 Queen's University, Belfast, Northern Ireland, and has been Master Class lectures ("4-D Negotiation & Persuasion") and Negotiation Coach by INC 2010 at Bond University in Australia, Master Class lectures ("Preparing Negotiations") and Judge of the INC in 2009 at John Marshall Law School in Chicago, USA and judge and mediator at the International Commercial Mediation Competition 2009, 2010, 2012 and 2013 by the International Chamber of Commerce, Paris. Furthermore, Mikkel Gudsøe assigned the responsibility to fully master class at the International Negotiation Competition at Chapman Law School in California in July 2013 in the subject of "E-negotiations"
