Dana Ghinet.

Dana Ghinet is graduate of MBA Open University Business School, Manager at  Acces Project Investments (strategic business solutions – www.accesarefonduri.ro or www.acces-investments.eu).

With 10-year experience in the coordination of the activity of elaboration and implementation of projects with non-reimbursable financing, Dana has helped over 200 companies have winning projects, with an eligible value of the projects of over 100 millionEuro.

At this moment, Dana focused on the strategicconsultancy and entrepreneur consultancy services, being convinced of the added value of these services, as well as of the high potential of the Romanian business environmenton these two major directions.

Dana is also manager of Hambarul lu’Eustache (animal nutrition solutions – www.fainadepeste.ro or www.nutritie-animale.ro) and President of the Humanitarian Association entitled “Ajutam impreuna in fiecare zi”(www.ajutamimpreuna.ro)​
